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If you are in immediate danger Call 911


Emergency Shelter


If you believe that you have been a victim of rape:

Get to a safe place.
Seek medical attention. Forensic Rape Exams are free to victims and not billed to your insurance. 

If you are considering police involvement, you should go to the emergency room within 120 hours, if possible.
Try not to bathe, shower, eat, drink, brush your teeth or go to the bathroom before going to the emergency room. Valuable evidence remains on your body and clothes. However, if you have already done these things, please don’t let this stop you from seeking medical care. You may have injuries that you can’t see.
Do not change your clothes (if you already have, put your clothes in a clean paper bag and bring them with you to the emergency room). Bring a change of clothing if you can.
In Cambria or Somerset County, you can request that the hospital staff contact Victim Services, if an advocate is not already called. An advocate can meet you at the hospital or speak with you on the phone. This is a free and confidential service. If not in Cambria or Somerset County, you can have a hospital staff person contact the nearest rape crisis center or PCAR at 1-888-772-PCAR.
Please be aware that there are many reporting options available, including a full report to the police and options to collect evidence without police involvement. It is up to you if you would like to talk to the officer or not. If you decide to make a police report, the sooner you report the better.
If you are concerned about pregnancy, ask for emergency contraception. There are two prescription methods available, but both must be given within 72 hours.
If you are concerned about HIV, contact the county Department of Health office. Testing is done anonymously. If testing is done at the hospital, it will be part of your medical record.
As a victim, you may be eligible for reimbursement for certain out-of-pocket expenses from the Pennsylvania Victims Compensation program. Contact Victim Services for additional information at 814-288-4961 or 814-443-1555.
Please call us for support. No matter what you decide to do, we are here for you. Our services are free and confidential. Contact Victim Services and ask to speak with a counselor .

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Services are available to all residents in the communities of Cambria and Somerset Counties. Prevention education programs are presented in all area schools from preschool through grade twelve in an age-appropriate, culturally-sensitive manner that provides for an interactive learning experience in the two-county area. In addition, our agency provides programs to community groups and trainings to human service providers, law enforcement personnel, hospital personnel, and other professionals in the communities of Cambria and Somerset Counties. All programs are presented in an informative and professional manner and most programs can be adapted to meet the needs of specific populations and age groups.

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Domestic Violence Emergency Shelter

Do you need to escape from violence?

Our Hope House Program provides a safe place to escape for victims of domestic violence and their children who are in danger. We can also provide emergency safe housing for victims of trafficking. 


While in safe housing, our staff assist residents in finding stable housing and moving forward with their lives after violence. 


Residents have access to all of the services offered at the agency while they are in safe housing, including counseling, trauma therapy, case management, support groups, and more.


If you, or someone you know, is in need of emergency safe housing services,

please call our 24-hour helpline at 1-800-755-1983.

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Victim Services staff are not able to provide legal advice. For legal advice please call an attorney.

Victim Services staff are able to assist with legal advocacy, accompaniment, court preparation / orientation, assistance with victim's compensation claims, victim notification, and referrals to other resources. Please click the link below to learn more about each category and specific protection orders available to you.

Legal Advocacy

Our legal advocates can review options, assist with the filing of protection orders, & support victims through the court process.  In Pennsylvania there are 3 types of protection orders.  Follow the links to learn more:


We can provide a support person to be with victims of crime and their loved ones at any of the following at their request: 

  • Emergency room or other medical appointments related to the crime 

  • Civil protection order hearings

  • Criminal and/or juvenile court proceedings 

  • Coroner’s inquest 

  • Media interviews 

  • Meetings with police, prosecutor’s office, or other legal appointments 

Court Preparation / Orientation

Information and education to prepare for court and to help clients understand what is happening in their case and discuss their options..

Assistance with Victims Compensation Claims

We can assist victims/surviving family members through the process of filing a claim with the Victim’s Compensation Assistance Program (VCAP) and provide information and updates throughout the process. 


Victim Notification

In Cambria County our office at the courthouse is responsible for notifying victims of actions and proceedings in their case.


Referrals to Other Resources

If you have needs that fall outside our areas of service, we will be happy to assist you in finding the appropriate agency or organization to help you. 

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Counseling and Support

All counseling services are CONFIDENTIAL and FREE for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and other violent crimes in Cambria and Somerset Counties, and their loved ones.

Counseling Services

Our counseling services are provided to victims of sexual assault and other violent crimes and their significant others in response to a crisis related to the victimization.  Counseling services are provided by appointment only by professionals with degrees in Psychology, Social Work, or a related field who are specially trained in working with victims of sexual assault and violent crimes.

Support Groups

Support and psycho-educational groups are offered at our Johnstown office and at several other locations in collaboration with other agencies in the community.

  • Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse

  • Integrative Healing Group

  • Non-offending Parenting Group

  • Psycho-educational group to local youth

*For a list of current group offerings, please call Victim Services Inc.

My Body and Me: A Healthy Relationships Program for Children

Using an age-appropriate curriculum, this FREE program is offered for children from preschool through middle school, who would benefit from a better understanding of body safety and healthy relationships.


Trauma Sensitive Yoga

A free program for survivors of sexual abuse, sexual assault, and domestic violence. Held in collaboration with  YogaSong and BottleWorks Ethnic Arts Center.  If you are interested in participating, please call for more information.


For more information about our Supportive Services, contact Stephanie Rex.


To schedule an appointment for either service, please call the office location closest to you:

Johnstown – 814.288.4961

Somerset – 814.443.1555

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Trauma Therapy

All trauma therapy services are CONFIDENTIAL and available for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and other violent crimes in Cambria and Somerset Counties, and their loved ones.



Our therapy services are trauma-informed and include in-depth interventions provided to victims of sexual assault and other violent crimes and their loved ones in response to the longer-term effects of the trauma.  All therapy services are provided by appointment only by master’s level clinicians who are specially trained in working with victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and violent crimes and in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR).


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an evidence-based, non-drug, non-hypnosis psychotherapy procedure. The therapist guides the client in concentrating on a troubling memory or emotion while moving the eyes rapidly back and forth (by following the therapist’s fingers). This rapid eye movement, which occurs naturally during dreaming, seems to speed the client’s movement through the healing process.  EMDR is used to treat troubling symptoms such as anxiety, depression, guilt, anger, and post-traumatic reactions. It can also be used to enhance emotional resources such as confidence and self-esteem.  (Adapted from: Trauma Institute and Child Trauma Institute)


Check out this excellent resource to learn more about what EMDR looks like:


How will I pay for therapy?

Therapy services are billed to medical insurance. We currently accept:

  • Highmark

  • Medicare

  • Medical Assistance

  • UPMC Commercial Insurance

  • Aetna

  • TriCare

  • Optum

  • United Healthcare

This service can also be offered at NO COST to clients who do not have insurance or clients who wish to not have their insurance billed.

Long-Term Effects of Trauma

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Flashbacks

  • Attachment and Relationship Problems

  • Difficulty Identifying, Expressing, and Managing Emotions

  • Chronic / Recurring Physical Conditions

  • Increase in Risk Taking Behaviors

  • Trouble Sleeping

  • Nightmares

For more information about our Trauma Therapy Services, contact Natasha Fox.

To schedule an appointment for either service, please call the office location closest to you:

Johnstown – 814.288.4961

Somerset – 814.443.1555

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Education and Community Engagement

The education staff is dedicated to providing quality programs which are developed and presented by educators that have been trained in violence prevention through the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence (PCADV) and the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape (PCAR). 


This programming is available to all learning facilities within Cambria and Somerset Counties, any community organization, Law enforcement agency, group or business for professional development. Victim Services staff is also available to help with policy review to help update any outdated language or ideas. This department works closely with funding sources and other community agencies to ensure our clients receive the most up-to-date and comprehensive information available.

Our student-based education programs are presented to students from preschool to post-secondary education facilities, across Cambria and Somerset Counties. These programs are also available to faculty on any in-service day.


All community and school programs are free of charge, unless otherwise noted.


Programs topics include:

  • Personal safety – safe/unsafe touches 

  • Stranger safety

  • Sexual harassment

  • Healthy relationships

  • Boundaries

  • Anger management

  • Anxiety

  • Diversity

  • Resilience 

  • Body image

  • Consent

  • Sexual assault

  • Rape


Programming for adults and professionals include:

  • Sexual harassment

  • Healthy relationships

  • Title IX

  • Work place culture and boundaries

  • Diversity

  • Consent

  • Sexual assault

  • Rape

  • Recognizing child abuse

  • Mandated reporting*

  • Review of violence, disciplinary, and Title IX policies


Art in the Park

This character development  program  starts with a simple story read by our education staff. Age appropriate discussion is facilitated around the story's theme, and a creative project follows. Themes include: managing tough emotions, belonging, resilience, self-esteem, and much more. This project is done in collaboration with Stackhouse Park, The Cambria County Library, Beginning's Inc., and other community volunteers who we are so grateful for. 


For more information about our education programs or to talk about a specific issue that you may be dealing with at an educational facility or local business, contact Shayna Blackford.

*Our Mandated Reporter Training is approved by the Department of Human Services and the Department of Education in accordance with PA Act 31 and Act 126. This training includes a fee.

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Trauma Therapy
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Cambria County

(814) 288-4961

307 Vine Street

Johnstown, PA 15901

Somerset County

(814) 443-1555

433 West Patriot Street

Somerset, PA 15501

Call Toll Free


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